This lighted, physical mute button pairs with popular video meeting tools to toggle mute and shines bright to let everyone know when your mic is live. The mute button light changes when you push the mute button or when you mute and unmute from your video meeting tool. You can now even personalised the Mute button with your company logo or the sleeve in which the product comes in.
🤔 quickly mute / unmute without thinking
😱 family knows when not to scream at you
😫 never stress about your mute status
🍎 students know when the teacher can hear
🎛 stays in sync with Zoom, Teams, and Meet
😎 makes your desk look rad
🌈 set it to any color you like
😑 makes a great passive aggressive gift for coworkers
✍️ Personalise the button or the Sleeve
Available in the USA