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Zotter - China

ORGANIC, FAIR and BEAN-to-BAR. With many years of experience in the industry this vendor has an extensive list of products which could WOW recipients. From Chocolate bars all the way to Chocolate Brandy.  More than 500 different flavours of chocolate, hand-scooped chocolates with seductive fillings, pure single origin Labooko chocolates, beautiful decorations and couverture for baking, handmade bonbons, individual chocolates and much more.

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SnackMagic - USA

You know that saying, “it’s better to give than to receive”? Well, that’s not entirely true, because if you’ve ever had to buy a gift for that client who has everything, or for a team of 652 remote employees, or for a massive crowd of virtual event guests you’ve never even met, you know it’s way more stressful to give than to receive. This is why SnackMagic is the snack box that takes all the pressure off of gifting.

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