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Exclusive Business Gifts - Netherland

Thank your staff and clients with a unique business gift that is really worthwhile. From personalised gin tonic sets and gastronomic beer packages to champagne apero boxes and luxury wellness sets. At Exclusive Business Gifts you will find a range of unique and carefully selected quality gifts that will make a lasting impression.

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Delicious Sweetness - The Netherlands

A rich, decadent brownie made from only the finest ingredients. From the first bite to the last crumb, you'll find that even the most discerning sweet tooth will enjoy these brownies. So go ahead and enjoy our chocolate sensation. Treat yourself, your friends or your loved ones to the ultimate indulgence - a box of delicious brownies. They promise it will be an experience you will never forget.

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Bien Manger - France

Explore the unique flavours of the world's wines. Let yourself be carried away on a journey through vineyards around the world with our high-quality wines. From the complex depths of Bordeaux wines, to the fruity and elegant aromas of Californian wines, to the spicy flavours of Italian wines, there is a wine for every occasion and every palate.

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Zotter Chocolate - Austria

ORGANIC, FAIR and BEAN-to-BAR. With many years of experience in the industry this vendor has an extensive list of products which could WOW recipients. From Chocolate bars all the way to Chocolate Brandy. Zotter counts among the best chocolate producers in the world and is one of the most sustainable businesses in Austria. More than 500 different flavours of chocolate, hand-scooped chocolates with seductive fillings, pure single origin Labooko chocolates, beautiful decorations and couverture for baking, handmade bonbons, individual chocolates and much more.

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Vineway - Slovakia

This brand brings you a by-the-glass format that allows you to taste and discover a number of wines before you make a purchase of full-sized bottles. The technology behind the 100ml glass vial samples secures all the sensory and taste attributes so you can enjoy quality - just like the winemaker intended.

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